Saturday, December 23, 2006

If Karma's a Bitch, then I must have dated her brother..

Or I talked bad about Karma's mother. Something. There's something I must have done in my past life that would explain why things have to be the way they are. So we all know about how I've been trying to move for months, and how my floor is now the latest thing preventing me.

The materials were to be delivered thursday. my brother apt-sat for me to wait for them. 40 minutes before they were to arrive, the store calls me...they can't make the delivery because the materials were scheduled for the wrong truck. The truck that they would be on can only do curbside delivery. meaning, they leave yo sh!t literally, on the curb. With my apt 200 yards from the curb, yet again, you see my problem. Not to worry she says. We can deliver tomorrow between 8 and 11am. Into my apartment I ask? Yes, inside. I carry on for the inconvenience of it all and hang up.

Friday crack of dawn, I'm sitting in the empty apartment, waiting. Nothing....At 10:30 I call the store and no one seems to have a clue. Only thing they DO know is my materials will not arrive by 11am. They were scheduled to be on the same truck as the day before. With its curb side delivery. Finally I find someone with a clue. And he tells me he will have my materials on the afternoon truck. It does in-home delivery and it should arrive by 12:30. I hang up, but call back to complain some more to him. Does he realize how incompetent the person who helped me was? He offers me a partial refund on the delivery fee. But I want more, and for more I must talk to the Manager.

So here comes the reason the employees are incompetent. Manager comes on the phone and I give my story. He proceeds to tell me Home Depot does not do inhome deliveries. at all. I begin to come undone. I tell him I see inhome delivery on my bill and tell him wait there. I'm coming down to the store.

When I arrive, the gentleman who scheduled me for the afternoon delivery gets on the phone w/the manager and explains to the manager, that they do inhome delivery. So for that fiasco, I got the entire delivery fee refunded and I leave the store more annoyed than when I got there.

So at 12:30, like the guy said, the delivery arrives. Only, its ONE guy for about 20 boxes that are 70 pounds each. And he has no waiver to allow him into my house. He can't deliver my materials he says. He wasn't given the proper info by the store and he has to leave. OOOH HELL TO THE NO you not leaving. I'm on the phone w/home depot. He's on the phone. Everyone's on the phone. The manager tells me they can deliver it on Tuesday instead, the day the workers are scheduled to lay the floor. On and on I scream til I give up. The delivery guy tells me he will do his other deliveries and try to find someone to help him. Otherwise, he'll come back in the morning.

I close up shop, and head back to my mom's....then I get a call. Home depot sent guys to my house and they want to know where am I? WHERE AM I? I am home because there's no delivery! So I head BACK to the apartment to see the three stogers waiting for the truck to come back. A little Puerto Rican kid, no more than 17, who looks like he can barely lift the fork with food to his mouth to give him some damn size! A young black guy, maybe 18 if I'm lucky, and the hunch back of notre dame, 60 year old Italian guy with a cigarette hangin out his mouth. So these are the guys who unload the entire order....

I should be greatful its done now. I'm signing the release from the driver. Standing in the courtyard, the guys from home depot are parked in front of me. They are getting ready to leave. Hunch back man puts the jeep in reverse, and I watch as he reverses RIGHT INTO MY CAR. *sigh*

BUT!!!!! to update the saga, the installers came on the following Tuesday, and ladies and gentlemen, I NOW HAVE A FLOOR!!! :)

Monday, December 18, 2006

Why is it...

that people have to lie so much?
was chatting with a girlfriend about this guy she was briefly dating. and she talked about all the things he lied about. like what he did and some of his family history....I've got plenty of stories like that of my own...but she got me to thinking, WHY IS IT that people have to tell lies about themselves??

I have no problem admitting that I didn't get into any of the PhD programs I applied to. I never went to medical school. I never played soccer for the Trinidad national team. I can't draw and will never have a piece of my art displayed in a museum. I've never been to Egypt or anywhere else in Africa. My parents weren't big time CIA spies, or generals in the military. I don't come from money. I didn't grow up anywhere but boring-ole' Queens. I am afraid of the ocean and can't swim. I don't understand a lot of science concepts, and won't pretend to try and explain them or how to do any kinda fancy mathematical calculations. I live with my mother right now, and I am still making payments on my car. I have little to no hand eye coordination so step and dance classes are not for me. I've never worked anywhere glamorous. Don't know any famous people. I can't cook most west indian dishes, or most dishes in general. Nor have I ever felt compelled to tell anyone any different.

Is it just fun for people to make up stories? Or do they secretly crave to be someone other than themselves. I may be far from perfect, and probably very close to crazy. But that's who I am and I wouldn't trade it for the world. No one else should want to be something else either.....

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Time for change!

I'm hoping 30 brings me more wisdom and change towards being a better person....With the big 3-0 my gift to myself was a cruise. More on that later.. :)

So about these changes, for starters, I'd like to take some chances, push myself to be all I can be. (No I'm not joining the army).....

I'm proud to say while in Antigua, I went feet in the air, above water, pulled by a boat....never mind the fact that I can't swim...I'd like to think that gives me the right to be a chicken. But it was my idea, and I went first of the 3 of us on the boat to go......Wasn't so bad actually....only when they are slowly letting you go up, the rope jerks at times......and sounds like the cables are coming instead of looking at the view, some of the time I was starring at the knot in the rope, trying to determine if it was REALLY COMING undone.....*no, it wasn't* but damn it sounded like it was.....and guess who appeared...all those little people in my head...I thought, if I fall, will the impact kill me??? NAH....if the rope breaks, it'll take some time for me to fall with the parachutey thing above me...maybe as I'm falling, the guy on the boat will notice...OR MAYBE he won't....i'll have to get unfastened once i hit the water of the little people told the rest to shut up...BUT not before I began talking to my father (who I hope was in heaven listening to me)....Dad I said, I know you're wondering why I'm up here....but you know me...I know, I know....but I'm here now. And you wouldn't let me fall, RIGHT????

He, along w/the guys who took us out didn't let me fall. And once I finally relaxed, it was such an amazing sight to soar so high, feeling like you're almost touching heaven. On to the next adventure. :)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood

for some reason the title fits this episode in my life for me. Whenever I see it, I think of something senseless, that runs around in a circle, losing what little meaning it had, that you just shake your head at....

So after what should be another blog entry, I finaly closed on my co-op...wo-freakin-hoo...sorry if most of my enthusiasm is gone.

Never mind I was approved by the board to close in OCTOBER. And we were moving along nicely. When the seller, realized...OOPS! I lost the stock certificate (equivalent to the title of the property). Never mind I wonder how someone could lose that....We had to wait for it to be replaced in order to close.

And never mind the seller showed up LATE to the closing, and was damn near sent back home for a document she FORGOT....AND never mind, when we were finished, everyone's puttin on their coats, lawyers talkin lawyer talk, I had to say UM EXCUSE ME, can I HAVE THE KEYS???!?!?

OK, so never mind those things. I've CLOSED and I have my very own piece of property....what I really wanted to say starts here.

-so we know, earlier this year I was living with my now ex. And I had thought "we" were buying a couch. It was bought on one of those deferred cards that was put in my name. So as we can guess, I never got a dime from him for it even when we were together. Yet, when I was moving out, he wanted me to leave it. While I left more things than I should have, OH HELL TO DA NO on that one. Its goin to stay in my mom's until i move again I said to myself. We'll move her couch to the dining room for now....

-only, when the movers got it to my mom's house, it didn't fit in the door. After trying and trying, they left it in the backyard, its fate to be decided. The next day, my brother took the two doors off the frame completely, and we PUSHED AND PUSHED AND PUSHED til we got it in.....

-so fast forward - now, I've got this new FABULOUS place.....only it has a less than fabulous, brand new carpet....its brand new, but it is MAUVE....a nice way to say PINK....did I mention my couch is GREEN??? Can you see my issue yet? Oh, and I'd like to paint the walls a beigey brown kinda color....hmmmmm.......

-OK. So I'll just pull up the carpet, and put down a tan/beige one! Easy enough right??? So the same day that I closed, my mom and I pulled up the BRAND NEW carpet.....only to find, I can't put a new carpet down JUST YET....WHY??? Because the wood floor underneath, is DRY ROTTED, as if they had some water damage. Sooooooo, in order to put carpet down, which I never really wanted anyways, I'd have to have someone come pull up the entire flooring, and redo it.....

-oh and did i mention - my brother took one look at the doorway and decided, the couch is NOT GOING TO FIT IN.....

So I've got a couch that my "ex and I" bought that actually I paid for, that wouldn't fit in my mom's house and may be tough to get back out. I've got a new place, with a ugly carpet that won't go with my new couch, the ugly carpet that I pulled up to find a ugly floor that needs to be redone, all to match my couch, that won't fit in the door.

*sigh* But I'm a homeowner DAMNIT........I think I want to live in this place for the rest of my life and never have to go through this process again...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I brought 30 in with a BANG.....and a hell of a hangover!

Is it bad to have your mom nurse you out of your hangover?

I turned 30 yesterday and had one hell of a party on Saturday night.
First, all my girls took me for sushi. Shida was Shida, and took control of the menu, ordering a bunch of great rolls. In hindsight, maybe we should have gone for something soak up all the impending alcohol we would drink. But it was a great meal with a lot of laughs.

So with our bellies full, off to the Lounge we went. We took pictures and sat at the bar. We ladies looked very nice if I don't say so myself! Ummm, and that's the last thing I can FULLY remember. I know a lot of my friends came out and seemed to have a great time. I do know we had ice cream cake (my favorite) and lots of good music.

I can only confirm that some people were there because I have cards from them. I checked afterwards and maybe folks lied to me, but they said I didn't appear to be as drunk as I really was. And no one claims I didn't say hello. So even if I don't remember, I did see people when they arrived.....But of course my life would not be life without a crazy story.....some people make grand entrances. and then there are the ones that make grand exits...a friend from junior high school came with a couple of his friends. when they left, their cab was pretty badly hit. All were fine. The driver of the other car, ran off, leaving the car running. Next thing there were cop cars, firetrucks and ambulances ALL outside the party....Did I mention the entire front of the bar was windows?? so the flashing lights could NOT be ignored....*sigh* but at least everyone was ok..

I think the smartest thing I did was order car service before the night began. And I was proud that I just fell asleep in the car and didn't vomit. I at least waited til I got home to grace both gave me oatmeal, alca seltzer and a about 6pm that night I felt better. :)

Happy bday to me!!!!!