Time for change!

I'm hoping 30 brings me more wisdom and change towards being a better person....With the big 3-0 my gift to myself was a cruise. More on that later.. :)
So about these changes, for starters, I'd like to take some chances, push myself to be all I can be. (No I'm not joining the army).....
I'm proud to say while in Antigua, I went parasailing....yep..me....600 feet in the air, above water, pulled by a boat....never mind the fact that I can't swim...I'd like to think that gives me the right to be a chicken. But it was my idea, and I went first of the 3 of us on the boat to go......Wasn't so bad actually....only when they are slowly letting you go up, the rope jerks at times......and sounds like the cables are coming loose....so instead of looking at the view, some of the time I was starring at the knot in the rope, trying to determine if it was REALLY COMING undone.....*no, it wasn't* but damn it sounded like it was.....and guess who appeared...all those little people in my head...I thought, if I fall, will the impact kill me??? NAH....if the rope breaks, it'll take some time for me to fall with the parachutey thing above me...maybe as I'm falling, the guy on the boat will notice...OR MAYBE he won't....i'll have to get unfastened once i hit the water though......one of the little people told the rest to shut up...BUT not before I began talking to my father (who I hope was in heaven listening to me)....Dad I said, I know you're wondering why I'm up here....but you know me...I know, I know....but I'm here now. And you wouldn't let me fall, RIGHT????
He, along w/the guys who took us out didn't let me fall. And once I finally relaxed, it was such an amazing sight to soar so high, feeling like you're almost touching heaven. On to the next adventure. :)
Ahh, the change...I'm about to get deep here, but is there really a time for change, or are we changing a little bit every second of our lives?
We always tend to look at change as this big event, but maybe it's the little things that help to shape who we are. Our lives are the sums of the choices we make...maybe change is that as well, making different choices every day.
Then there's the realist in me that says people don't change, only situations do and people simply adapt themselves to that situation, but given the opportunity (and in stressful situations) the real, unchanged person will surface...I dunno...I'm going back to being shallow. My head hurts. LOL.
i'm doing like that dude in SE's blog...i'm pluggin my own lol - My "walking off the edge of the earth" blog was just about that...changes
Turning 30 somehow strikes something in yourself to know that "a change is about to come" and it should be welcomed with opened arms. For some strange reason I felt as though all the hardships piled on in the ending years of my 20's. I was clueless, I was oblivious and I was lost in love. But in the week before my 30th, I reflected on all the things I had gone through and realized the reality of life is just what it is...reality. So I decided to "walk off the edge of the world" and just put it all past me and the change I've made is that I need to accept things as they are and not worry about why they happen and to not try to get folks to understand why I hurt...that's my bout.
So us old foagies - the 30 beautiful and sexy that we are - have nothing to sit and sulk about anymore. We're just beginning to live an adult life...the 20's was just practice :)
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