I don't really like you...
So it may just be that I'm in a cranky mood.....OR I've come to a really big revelation.
I've never really liked anyone I've dated....well, I can't say NEVER. I'd say there are maybe two or three people that I still have any slight inkling of liking.
But really. For the most part. After I end a relationship, I usually come to dislike the sound or sight of them. Is that normal???? Most likely not.
So can be attributed to i'm so busy "liking" them that I ignore all the gazillion things I can't stand about them? Or do most people mask their faults very well? Yeah sometimes there's that little person in the back of my head who's yelling NO when I'm saying yes. But sometimes none of the dozens of people up there notice what is about to hit....Maybe I should no longer be allowed to pick my own prospects.
So I ask - do most people really like their ex's??? I know everyone probably has that one that they wish would be hit by a bus. But do most people wish they could line ALL of their ex's up for that fateful accident??
*no animals (aka my ex's) have been hurt in making this blog entry......