Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I don't really like you...

So it may just be that I'm in a cranky mood.....OR I've come to a really big revelation.
I've never really liked anyone I've dated....well, I can't say NEVER. I'd say there are maybe two or three people that I still have any slight inkling of liking.
But really. For the most part. After I end a relationship, I usually come to dislike the sound or sight of them. Is that normal???? Most likely not.

So can be attributed to i'm so busy "liking" them that I ignore all the gazillion things I can't stand about them? Or do most people mask their faults very well? Yeah sometimes there's that little person in the back of my head who's yelling NO when I'm saying yes. But sometimes none of the dozens of people up there notice what is about to hit....Maybe I should no longer be allowed to pick my own prospects.

So I ask - do most people really like their ex's??? I know everyone probably has that one that they wish would be hit by a bus. But do most people wish they could line ALL of their ex's up for that fateful accident??

*no animals (aka my ex's) have been hurt in making this blog entry......


At 8:18 AM, Blogger SimplEnigma said...

LOL @ not allowed to pick your own prospects.

All the dudes that I've dated in the past I'm still friends with (except for the couple that disappeared and I never heard from again). Weeeelll, maybe "friends" is too generous. I don't bear any ill feelings toward them, and if I see them out we'll chat, catch up and the like.

Maybe it's because none of them were really serious to the point where I had deep feelings involved (well except the Love of My Life, and sometimes I vaccilate between love and dislike with him...LOL). Or maybe it's because after we've stopped dating every last one of them have always come crawling back, so I've left with the "upper hand"...mi nuh know.

But like u said, the signs are always there - it's just whether we choose to see them or not, because a dude will tell you exactly who he is within the first few dates.

At 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only ex I have is my ex husband and I cyah take him...lawd have mercy on my soul when I tell you I cyah take him...but he gave me a beautiful I tolerate him (once I've taken the pain killers)

as for the particular person that had my heart in a frenzy...he's not my ex...i was just his ummm shall we say "girl behind closed doors"... nonetheless my heart held him for the world to see. Though the hurt I felt and am feeling to this moment I kept it within myself to keep him close to my heart, however his tantrums and blatant display of wanting to run to the mountains to get away from me has me wondering if I waste my time even considering this dude to be a "friend" ...I see myself disliking him more and more...not that I think he even gives a hoot and that could be the reason why i am disliking him, or it could be the simple fact that he just doesn't care about how he's made me feel...hmmmm...gotta go clarify that one with myself...i'll be back lol


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