Friday, September 28, 2007

1 week down.....

Its been like going cold turkey for a smoker or drug addict. I still can't really chew. Sick of baby food and smoothies all week, I tried to eat some grilled salmon mashed up like tunafish. But alas, even that was painful. I washed it down with some sorbet to numb my mouth. Today I've advanced to oatmeal but without the fun stuff like raisins and granola.

Once I'm finished with the braces, the dentist is attempting to recommend me to a speech therapist. For what, I'm not exactly sure. I've had a speech impediment for 30 years now, and I can't see how braces would make it WORSE. I quickly objected. I can still remember my speech therapy sessions from elementary school and how she made me feel as if i had a case of mild retardation because of a lisp. Then my speech teacher in college told me I could be so beautiful if it wasn't for that horrible lisp. Thanks but no thanks. Wearing braces is torture enough for me.

51 weeks to go....


At 9:45 PM, Blogger The Wanderer said...

Reading these last three posts have brought back memories for me. I have just started my second year and I'm quickly counting down to take this suckers off. It gets better. Soon you'll be eating chicken and other things like normal (say goodbye to the apples and gum and nuts though for a while).

At 1:16 AM, Blogger Simply Alluring said...

I cannot believe your speech therapist said that to you. I'm sorry hon, you are beautiful as you are.


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