Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Today's lesson folks.....

ALWAYS...ALWAYS....ALWAYS back up your computer files.
There's a saying, those who don't hear, will feel. BOY am I FEELING right now.

My computer at work. I had to be special and get a MAC because I work with graphics and stuff. The building we work in, does not support MACs, so my computer is not on the network. Which has its advantages, but one disadvantage is no shared drive. So everything is saved on the computer itself. And many times, not so much for work, I've had the conversation about backing my files up. *I'm worried about losing all my music on my computer at home* But I've yet to do anything about it.

This morning I came into work and my computer was non-responsive. Did the whole restart thing. NOTHING. Called AppleCare (who don't open until 9am and I get to work at 8am) and after 40 minutes on the phone with them, the problem still wasn't fixed. Feeling like a parent taking their kid to the hospital...I took my computer to a service center a couple blocks away where I had to leave it, and they diagnose the problem. Haven't heard anything yet, but I'm hoping for the best.

Have you ever noticed what you do at work without a computer? UMMMM for me, pretty much NOTHING....I thought it was bad when I deleted all my emails...but I'm always able to outdo myself!!

So back it up people!!!! .uh ringing, is it them????


At 9:08 PM, Blogger Crankyputz said...

Oh no.....i've never backed, frankly i have no idea how...everyone says you shuld, but no one mentions how you do it.

im crossing my fingers for you@


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