Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Maybe I'm just a B@tch

Ok, so no. I AM a b%tch. I pretty much know that....but I stand by my opinion that I do not resort to expressing that side of me, unless necessary. Now, everyone's standards as to what makes it "necessary" is probably where we'll disagree.

BUT....I'm sorry. With all of today's technology which is wonderful, there seems to be a lack of etiqutte lessons to go along with the use of it. I don't want an email saying Bill Gates will give me money if I forward this email to all my friends. I'm not signing any petitions, I'm not going to be cursed by not sending it to my 10 friends either...if I am to be cursed, trust its already happened.

And unless you have something phenomenal to say, which chances are, you don't, there's no need to try to talk to me at 7:50 in the morning. I barely want to be up at that time, I less desire to be on the train or walking to work, and I see little need to talk to a complete stranger about why he can't have my number. Maybe I'm missing out on my prince charming with that attitude. But chances are, my prince doesn't want to be up at that hour and wouldn't bother me anyways....

So with my insignificant ranting, I'm back!! Hopefully I'll blog some of my latest "only me" stories :)


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