there is a lesson in every mishap
this week is the week of silly mishaps.....the powers that be (that little man who lives under the sidewalk maybe) are trying to bring me down. But in everything there is a lesson. In this case, multiple lessons.
Monday mornings suck. Monday morning meetings, at 8:30am are worse. Monday morning meetings that are supposed to end at 10am but run over are even worse. And yet still, Monday mornings, with meetings that run from 8:30 to past 10am, followed by meetings 10 blocks away from 10am to noon are the ultimate worst! But in order for them to keep sending my check to the same account each pay period, I am obliged to have these suckie Mondays.
Lesson #1 - When things could go wrong on a Monday they usually do.
Had a meeting run over, preventing me from leaving the office with enough time to get up to 42nd Street. As much as I didn't want to, I rushed out to be as close to on time as possible. During a heat wave, of 98 degrees, rushing is a relative concept though. A block away from my destination, I tripped on uneven sidewalk (that little man under the sidewalk grabbed my ankle) and broke my $15 thong sandal.
Lesson #2 comes here - You usually get what you paid for....I thought I was on to something, with my comfortable and CHEAP sandals. After one summer, I wouldn't feel guilty about dumping them. But....they had a different idea. After three wearings, they decided their time on my feet was over.
SO, late for my meeting, with a busted shoe, I tried to decide my next move. My office was further away now than my destination. But I could NOT arrive at a meeting, that potentially had a VERY senior Communications person at the University...A very nice older man saw my predicament and attempted to (unsuccessfully) repair the strap on my shoe with a key.
Lesson #3 - why I should not leave New York City
Where else can you find a shoe store on just about every other block?? Really. Had I not been in NYC, I would have been up a creek with no paddle. Not even a shoe...
With all the strength I had in my big toe and what's the toe next to that one, I held the strap of my shoe between them, and clumsily walked a block to the nearest shoe store.
Lesson #4 - always have options
I bought a new pair of shoes, and proceeded to my meeting for which I was a half hour late for.
The meeting was a waste as expected, but the shoes I bought are very comfortable and only ran me $35.
But wait til you hear about Tuesday......