Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Should I have listened to my bed?

On a workday, the alarm goes off at 6:00am, and I'm out the door at 7:00am for the 4 minute drive to train station to catch the 7:07 train.
This morning, my bed didn't want to let me go. The snooze button was hit again, and again, and again, until finally I reset the alarm for 6:40. During this time I considered calling out sick. At 7, I finally rolled out of bed, still undecided. Not sure why, but I tossed the random quarter sitting on my shelf while the shower ran. I moved at a decent pace, to leave the house at 7:40 to catch the 7:51.
When I got to my car, I was reminded my inspection is expired. Whatever. Then there was the garbage truck blocking me from getting out. Get to the train station and the lot is full. The guy double parked is keeping me from parking. When my heels finally hit the pavement and the beep of my car locking, the train was pulling into the station. As I broke into a quick sprint, I decided if I should miss this train, screw it - I'm turning around, goin back home, and getting back into bed.
Guess my new running schedule is paying off...cause I made the train. We'll see if that was a good thing.

By the way, the first toss fell on the floor to stay home. Second toss that landed in my hand said go to work. Maybe I should have gone for 2 out of 3.


At 9:44 PM, Blogger Crankyputz said...

Hey at least you got through the day, and made it back into bed....

At 9:41 PM, Blogger The Comedy of Errors Called Me said...

crankyputz - i love your name LOL
and yep! you are right. AND I woke up to make it through another day :)


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