Men, Sports & them Losing to Women..BAAAD combination.
So I try and tell myself - to always find the positive in a bad situation.
So, out of my last relationship, one of my positives is my increased knowledge of sports. Football and baseball particularly.
So last year at my suggestion, my ex and I had a fantasy football team. He helped me with the draft, how to pick vs. bench my players each week, etc. etc. And I did learn a lot about football. I ALSO learned, he ain't know shit either. Cause out of the whole season, we won ONE SINGLE GAME...UNO.....ONE......*sigh* But the person I am, I was happy with our one win, and was determined to come back the next year, and beat the pitiful record.
Well, not all the other team captains felt the same way. One guy in particular was very vocal about my record, and felt "people" who didn't know a lot about the game shouldn't be allowed to participate. I'm sure the fact that was a girl, in on a guys' thing didn't help. You'd think he'd be happy that the weeks he played me, he had an easy win! I felt if I wasn't bitchin and moanin about losing, why should he be upset?? But say what.
So football season has come around again....without my boyfriend though. And I signed up for my team again. With some hints here and there from a good friend who is undefeated in our league, I'm at it again. Its only week 6, and I've beat last years record, I've got 3 wins and 3 loses. So I've accomplished what I set out to do.....and this week, was given a bonus.
The same fella, who felt I shouldn't be in the league.....I played him this week......the score was 231 to 167...and guess who won. ME GODDAMNIT!!!!! He's livid. Complaining about the performance of his players, the scoring system, etc. But the best was, he said if his team played 20 games, lost 19 of them, he wouldn't care as long as he beat me! Doesn't that seem a bit harsh???
Poor thing, I feel sorry for people like him....Well, maybe not him.....Now for me to learn the art of male trash talking, so I can go rub it in his face...... :)
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