Men aren't really from Mars! Their brains are just small...
I never was one for science....somehow escaped taking chemstry...was forced to suffer through physics. And biology is just a big blur. But somehow I picked up a couple books on the brain recently. One of which says the human brain has the ability to make you believe what it wants you to believe. (Maybe that's why when people tell their version of events and its no where close to what happened....and you say "do you really believe that's how it happened" and they say "yes", they aren't actually lying...their brain is!)
But the more interesting of the two is called The Female basically describes the changes that take place in the female brain in the different stages of a woman's life. Fascinating every brain begins as a female brain. But then about 8 weeks after conception, some take a turn for the worse when excess testosterone shrinks it....serious. I'm not making that up....that men aren't acting clueless when we think that how we are feeling is so obvious...they really are clueless because their brains aren't wired to pick up on feelings unless they are blatant like us throwing things at them or crying...unlike our girlfriends, who's estrogen increases give them gut sensations.
But one of my favorite parts says that some scientists believe that different genes and hormones are what cause some men to be monogamous and others to be a 'lady's man'. Males with a longer version of a certain gene tend to be more reliable and trustworthy partners. I tell you, science is simply amazing. Now if only someone could create a test, kinda like a pee-on-a-stick pregnancy test...where we can test potential boyfriends for their gene pattern.....
"Now if only someone could create a test, kinda like a pee-on-a-stick pregnancy test...where we can test potential boyfriends for their gene pattern....."
You should patent that idea, girl...I see it getting rhel big in the future...LOL.
you know I should bring this up in my advanced cell bio class...we've been talking about fusing genes and experiments to see if genes work...Laura you could be on to something, lets talk!
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