Monday, October 16, 2006

"No matter who broke your heart, or how long it takes to heal, you'll never get through it without your friends"....and three bottles of wine!

Thanks sex in the city for the quote!
Remember I said I attempt to make something positive out of a bad situation????
Here's a little story.....subject - bad situation. characters - *enters rashida and erica stage left*

I'm a stubborn, when my mind is made up, its made up kinda person. *I know, big suprise to some of you right?* so I was living with my boyfriend....after a great start, the relationship was going like that ride at an amusement park....the one that they strap u in, take you straight up up up up up, where u feel like you can touch the sky.....then...with the blink of an eye, your stomach, along with your lunch, is in your mouth attempting to come out, and you're plummeting to the ground, just praying for it to be over.....

I was torn about what to do, wanting to make things work out ok, cause *at the time* i didn't think he was a complete dick. but after what was my last nite of wishing the ride was over, I woke up the next morning, cussed him the way only I can do, and left for work. By 10am, I had booked 3 movers and a truck. By noon, I was out of work. By 2pm I've got boxes and am stopping at the liquor store. Its going to be a long nite so I pick up 3 bottles of wine. "You having a party?" the clerk asked. "sorta" I replied. "what's the occasion" he asks. "I broke up with my boyfriend and I'm moving"...he didn't really know how to reply to that. By 3pm I was back home, packing, for the movers who were showing up, the NEXT day....luckily, when I moved, I didn't take all of my vast assortment of stuff *read TOO MUCH CRAP*, just what I really needed......feeling like I got myself into this mess, and I'll get myself out, I resolved to work things out on my own. But Rashida and Erica had other ideas.

Straight from work, in the pouring rain, came rashida. *as many of you may know, I have a LOT of crap* i'm a movers' nightmare. Did I mention the elevator was not working at the time? And I lived on the 5th floor?? RIGHT. So here comes Rashida with her we gonna get this done attitude. And off to packing we go. She's so strong, and I of course, have to pretend that so am I. My ex who it felt like avoided me and the apartment, of course, this friday night, has no where to be but on the phone talking about our relationship from his side of the story....and there I cracked. But that doesn't shake Shida. We goin to our favorite mexican restaurant she announces. Put on your clothes, and let's go.

*and there enters erica* A pitcher of sangria later, we're gitty like we're about to go pack me up to go off to college so back to the apartment we went to finish the job....and the three bottles of wine in the fridge. You could tell what bottle of wine we were on by the boxes. The ones with the room marked and taped, to the ones with 8 and 9 pieces of tape yet none of them actually CLOSING the box...the boxes with odd deformed shapes to them, because things fit perfectly in them, only to a drunk person....the faces of "it wasn't me" when you heard things breaking..I was worried when they pulled out the crazy glue - to glue what, i'm still not exactly sure.....or the "TAKE ME TOO" barely legible, written on the oh-so-important box of instant oatmeal......But by 1am, everything was boxed and stacked by the door, ready to go.

I cried myself to sleep that night, but so much of it was exhaustion and just knowing it should have happened long before and being upset with myself......because i knew without a doubt, when all the signs said that my stomach was going to come out through my mouth, it won't. Cause I have people like them to count on, to squeeze their arms on the ride down, and hug when we land safely and go off to our next ride in life....and i don't have to do it alone, because they'll be there to do it again if they have to.....


At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey LJ,

What a nice tribute to friendship, as the relationship stuff is secondary ha ha ha! Gotta love folks/friends like Shida and the E-Berry.


At 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's right dammit! :)

At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds like a "I HATE-MEN Party" thrown by Tamika, Puddin, Yvonne, and Regina in Satin Dolls (by Karen E. Quinones Miller) my question is...did you happen to pack an anonymous box to be sent to the Salvation army? If not you ain't pack right.

But yes I've said it so many times, but girlfriends are like milk..they do the body good.

At 9:23 AM, Blogger SimplEnigma said...

What a nice read...I really hope u keep this up!


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